Tag: Home Loan

Understand Your Credit Score and Improve Your Creditworthiness

Understand Your Credit Score and Improve Your Creditworthiness

You are living in a world that is driven by money and that certainly demands you to understand your monetary transaction behavior and your approach towards the most important element of life. Undoubtedly, without money, you cannot perceive life, therefore you need to be aware of your creditworthiness that defines your market value in a broader context. Understanding your creditworthiness For approval of a home loan, car loans and other kinds of credit facilities, you need to have a good credit score. The lenders/ banks carefully go through your credit history and after that, they sanction the loan. Therefore, you need to find out your credit score that means you need to find ways for Veda check credit report. There are major credit bureaus that contain your credit file. So, what is your cr...
Planning to Buy Home? It's Easy to Get Home Loan for Women
Real Estate & Finance

Planning to Buy Home? It's Easy to Get Home Loan for Women

Geetika is a single working woman in Mumbai, working as an IT Engineer is one of the leading MNC Company, earning a 6 figure monthly salary. Although she has been able to fulfil most of her other dream such as buying a car, and more, he has her eyes set on buying a home. Yes, she has been planning to purchase her dream home with the help of a Home Loan for womens. She has already planned for her Home Loan and maintained a good Credit Score, clean repayment history, kept aside some money for down payment and other charges. Hence, she went ahead and applied for a Housing Loan with one of the leading banks and bingo; her House Loan was approved! This would not have been the case if she had applied for a Home Loan for ladies 10 years before. Why? Women Home Loan borrowers applying for a Home...